Other Chipotle Pepper Resources

Other Chipotle Pepper Resources

If you need more chipotle information here are some books, products, and websites about chipotle peppers and other types of chili peppers. If you have your own suggestions please leave them in the comments below. Chipotle Products La Costena Chipotle Peppers in Adobo...
Capsaicin in Chipotle Peppers

Capsaicin in Chipotle Peppers

What is Capsaicin Chipotle peppers, as well as all chili peppers, are made hot from the capsaicin stored in them. Most of the capsaicin is in the white membranes and the seeds. The chipotle peppers feel hot because the capsaicin tricks your brain into thinking you are...
Store Chipotle Peppers and Adobo Sauce

Store Chipotle Peppers and Adobo Sauce

There are several ways to store chipotle peppers, depending on what form they are in. Whole Chipotle Peppers Store Chipotle Peppers Properly If the chipotle peppers are still in their whole form, storing them in a cool, dry, and dark location will make them last much...
Homemade Chipotle Pepper BBQ Sauce

Homemade Chipotle Pepper BBQ Sauce

It’s easy to make your own fantastic chipotle BBQ sauce. We’ll walk you through the simple steps so you can have fresh BBQ sauce whenever you want. Edith J. SchuellerHi guys, Welcome to Chipotle Peppers. My Name Is Edith J. Schueller. You can massage me...
Making Chipotle Pepper Puree

Making Chipotle Pepper Puree

Making chipotle pepper puree at home is quick and easy and is a great way to get chipotle taste spread throughout dishes. Chipotle puree is also easy to store for long periods of time. I like to add chipotle puree to many different dishes. It helps to add a smokiness...